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Collecting colors

Production it is the important step to be solved while the real commerce start. Some areas can be in a way industrialized, another ones are giving the best results if they remain handcrafted. As you already know our production it takes part in Spain.

Cutting by hand, classifying by colour… and carefully matching the pieces will build each bag.

Lots of red coming!


Elegance comes out of poverty, as creation comes out of void. Is not about reconsidering what it is necessary above all, it is about creating from a lack but not just mixing things together with big terms. It is imagination, the cult of elegance, the dream and the escape from the hub, creating images of prosperity and wealth.

This text it is about those people that are not resigned to live the life they are supposed to.

Images by HĂ©ctor Mediavilla and Baudouin Mouanda. About ”Societe des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Elegantes” (S.A.P.E.)

The exibition and more info
(”Un sueño de ida y vuelta. La Sape congolesa” Casa África. Calle Alfonso XIII, 5. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

”ÂżquiĂ©nes somos para negar a otros el humano deseo de soñar? Y esto es lo que procuran todos los dĂ­as los sapeurs, construyĂ©ndose una vida de sueños en la que a veces viven despiertos y otras con los ojos cerrados.”

Industrialized design

I am happy to write this… finally 860 items has been cut! Our first supplier did not want to work. So last Tuesday I stepped through a new place, my last possibility. The day after I spend the whole evening with them digitalizing the patterns, I feel proud to work with the best ones 🙂

Ten thousand pieces are ready to be.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday…

Blauvent blog has been so quiet lately. I suppose it’s safe to say I was lazy to publish anything or maybe I just didn’t find the right words.
So here a tiny update to all of you.

Mainly I’ve been working quite extensively on production, on few website changes not visible yet, and on deep structural reflexions, unsolved yet…
Besides that I am developing some ideas for my personal website and enjoying a full emotional and inspirational autumn.

So now coming back to reality… I definitly need a commercial agent that knows the field. If you are the right person, I will take care of you 😉