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Document Pouch soon available!

Since some weeks ago we’ve been was just working too hard, not having much time for posting. We have a new item ready since nearly a month ago… stock ready, everything, we just miss to make the proper photos… and it will be introduce on the webshop. Until then… I post here some images of the first samples.

A new bag in production

Today we’ve started the production of a new bag, expecting to upload the photos and introduce this new item during the next days.
I was not having much time to write, many local trips and many things are still in process.
Just a big hoooola, wishing you all a good week!!!

Rope supplier

Today we’ve been in Crevillente, we spend hundred hours to find a factory, no gps working, no good directions, just a big chaotic industrial estate… Spanish and chinese companies mixed together, and closer to the city the arab business.

The chinese area importing manufactured products. A labyrinth of huge industrial buildings, such a maze!!!

Old and new, just hectic and fun.

Probably we will work with the cord supplier we’ve visit, i knew them from Camper, my contact with them was just held by phone and from distance, has been nice to meet the person i talked by phone years ago.

So far we have not needed any rope… but now we need it for the new bags coming!