A very basic and cute meteo-clock station, WoodStation, integrated on a wooden piece, the surface is illuminated to give the weather forecast.
”…the weather station looks like a sculpted block of wood, until its motion detector is triggered” via Inhabitots
Category Archives
IGreenSpot: fresh daily news about green products
IGreenSpot.com is a weblog devoted to bring news of green products.
Great selection of innovation in technology, transportation, design and concept.
We are very glad to be featured on their website.
”Enjoying our favorite sports without harming our environment is now made possible and even easier with the stylish handmade air sports products from Blauvent By Carmesine. All of their products like bags and backpacks, scarves, swimwear wall arts, and other small products that has lots of uses are part of Blauvent’s limited edition and all are handmade in Alicante, Spain.”
via IGreenSpot
A new photo gallery for meteo images; Fotometeo, by ”Asociación Meteorológica Española”.
Meteo blog spot
Extensive and completed blog about meteo; ”Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorología”, in spanish.
Go to have a look
Reduced Spaces update
Go to small spaces to live in… a copilation of reduced architectures.
Textile Bag
I want to share this few images of textile shopping bags, there is nothing new, but it seems to be popular to shop with the pleated textile bag in the pocket, to avoid the plastic ones, the eco paranoia again 🙂 good way!
Solar Tent for high-tech campers
Futuristic concept tent can harness solar energy to provide electricity to portable gadgets.
Orange, utilizing cutting edge technology in solar harnessing PVs, has reveled new updated Solar Concept Tent. What make it worth mentioning are its high-tech features that give the freedom of camping with all electronic facilities. Designed in association with American product design consultancy kaleidoscope, this futuristic tent can supply energy harnessed from sun to portable gadgets like cell phones and laptops through wireless charging pouch.
Specially coated solar threads are woven into conventional fabric and can be folded easily. Because of its light weight it sets you free from carrying conventional heavy solar panels. The three directional glides can be rotated in any direction to follow the sun whole day. Not only this, but it incorporates ‘glo-cation’ technology which helps the festive-goers to track the location using either an SMS message or automatic active RFID technology.
It will make the tent glow in dark so that you can easily recognize your destination. At the heart of the tent lies a central wireless control hub which indicates the amount of energy generated on a flexible touchscreen LCD display screen. Further, the tent includes an internal heating element embedded within the tent’s groundsheet which is controlled by the central hub.
Via Pocket-Lint.
Funny ways of doing product from other product. Check images copilation.
Never ending sun by Avi Hochberg
A beautifull time-lapse video of never ending Sun near the poles during one week.
Asperatus, the cloud with no name
”The underside of the clouds are quite rough and choppy. It looks very stormy, but some of the reports we have been getting suggest that they tend to break up without actually turning into a storm” Via Daily Mail. The photo is from Perthshire, Scontland, seen on The Cloud Appreciation.