The Sartorialtwist

Images from The Sartorialtwist!! …a cool website using the images from The Sartorialist with great love and respect. For those who doesn’t know The Sartorialist, it is a famous ”cool hunters” website, very boring.

The Sartorialtwist nourish my own deconstructive thoughts, love it!

Thank’s Ivan for sharing 🙂

Photo session of a Draped Bag

Shopping Bag

I am a photographer these days. After picking up some new items from the stitching unit many photos must be done…

By the way, some articles has been replaced, finally! You will find them on the store and under these terms; ”This item might have a slightly different color scheme, if in any doubt please consult us. ”

Have a good evening you all!

PEN/NEM improvised music for performing and visual arts

PEN/NEM are a group of musicians creating musical textures and sonic landscapes for performing arts (theater, dance, puppetry), and visual arts (film, documentary, video art).

Their creative work is developed under in situ composition, either live shows or recordings. The research and production technics are based on free improvisation and coordinate improvisation delivered from the media or musicogrames.

The wide diversity of genres and instruments used by each member of the team are building a rich map of sounds and musical possibilities.

All music created by the PEN/NEM is registered with Creative Commons licenses, helping the free distribution of their music for non-commercial use.


Thousands of people are mounted on protest camps at the heart of all the spanish cities.

Anarchopedia is a knowledge portal and online anarchist community 😉
Via Maysun

  1. Reform of the Election laws, so all the votes from all Spanish citizens, independently of where they live, can have the same influence on the distribution of parliamentary seats.
  2. Real separation of powers; Total independence of Justice from the political power and a reform of the Senate so that it has a real role and stops being mere Congress bureaucracy.
  3. Political Regeneration: Open lists, abolishing public financing of political parties, everlasting banning from politics to holders of public office guilty of corruption charges, withdrawal of all the unjustified privileges attached to political posts, transparency of personal patrimony before and after their position as public administrators, etc.

(at least)