Expandable furniture

Marina Ralph has presented Stuff, the self-modeling cabinet at London Design Festival 2009. Made of sycamore, plywood and latex sides, this cabinet modifies its shape with each new item you place inside it. Not only would it be really fun to use, but the storage space is considerably larger than the average similar pieces of furniture.

BLAUVENT website; no shopping option yet

Unfortunatly we are having some unexpected problems with Paypal on the website, everything seems ok when doing a purchase, but the transaction was not made… We have had to stop the transaction till we solve the problem, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. I will post again a message with the latest news. Thanks!!

BLAUVENT PRODUCT has been launched!!!

BLAUVENT has been launched after 24 months of development, hundreds of days of testing, and countless hours at the desk, computer and sewing machine. We offer technically advanced bags and accesories for different situations and needs, from extreme weather conditions to the city comfort; simple products that fill lots of uses. Everyday we are adding new designs on our constant growth product range. Check it!!!.