Everything and nothing

Some designers are just on poems instead of products, Martín Azúa from Pais Vasco is one of them.

A self-inflating prefab home, as soon as it interacts with either body temperature or heat from the sun, it goes from a flat sheet of material to an insulated home. With this concept he has created this experimental prototype… a basic house under the principle of ”having everything without having almost anything”

His Basic House is part of MOMA collection New York.
Good one!

”…una casa casi inmaterial que se hincha a partir del calor de nuestro propio cuerpo o del sol, tan versátil que dándole la vuelta nos protege del frío o del calor, tan ligera que flota y que, además, se puede plegar y llevar en un bolsillo. Una vida en tránsito sin ataduras materiales. Tenerlo todo sin tener apenas nada.”

Houseware – Apollo Lamp

Something good at houseware design!… by International.

Via Iainclaridge.

”Spun Aluminium, 5-axis Laser cut, Anodised.

Modular system of light shades to be arranged in various configurations on a standard screw cup lamp holder.

Solid shades offer complete and variably directed shade. Perforated shades – in layered combination – enable the light to be gradually filtered, allowing for customisation of the overall aesthetic and manipulation of the emitted light.”