Tag Archives: art

Christina Kerns

Christina Kerns’s dreamlike vignettes are created with appropriated imagery and small props. Using a Technicolor palette that makes the scenarios seem more imaginary than real, the images are initially set up as dioramas. Kerns’s jagged edges and deliberately messy composition mimic the rough way in which our memories are muddled together.

The images are culled from ideas and pictures we are bombarded with by mass media. Kerns’s mash-ups reflect the way films, games, magazines, and advertisements influence our thoughts and dreams and mesh together to form a skewed reminiscence of one’s past and of reality.”

It is great to discover people doing these cool imagery. I love her art. Check her website here!
Via Saatchi Online

Gomma – The Photographers Hub

Gomma Online is about Photography.

Gomma Magazine and Gomma Online have been actively promoting photographers since 2004.

NOt for profit/ INdependent/ UNcompromising, Gomma has throughout the years highlighted the masters and given a space to emerging talents. Creating an invaluable space for photography.

The Online platform Gommamag.com continue to be a valuable resource for photographers and visual artists.

Its use and registration is free, although some new pay-per-entry structure has been installed so to avoid duplicate and flooding of the same info.

Gomma Online is a portal for photographers, visual artists and designers. It has a comprehensive and searchable directory of links related to photography, visual arts and design. It publishes daily updated photographic news written by Gomma team and also a Public Live Broadcasting feed section, where you can advertise your site, work or event.

Gomma Display is a new section that has replaced the previous Gomma Monitors, here you can upload your site directly to Gomma Database together with a jpg.

Make your photo-news public on Gomma!!!


Recently I have been looking so much into the tumblr platform.
There are 4 blogs I had fallen in love totally… and I’d like to share them with you. Time to talk about inspiration!

Marvin Ogger
The personal blog of Marvin, my favorite paraglider athlete.

Hygge and Sisu
A charming compilation of things, smart, poethic, solid, I love to get lost onto his blog.

Kimhwan’s Diary
He is one of my references… Hwan Kim, artist based in Korea.

A compendium of observations and meditations, evokes to me another world and time, to dream.

Things folded and connected

‘Oritsunagumono’ (translated as ”things folded and connected”) is a collection of origami works by artist takayuki hori, created to highlight the environmental threat of pollution to a number of species native to japan’s coastal waterways.

Each translucent sheet is first printed with either the images of fragments of an animal’s skeleton, or, on some pages, human-made discarded objects that are often ingested by the animals in the wild. Using the ancient tradition of folded paper, hori assembles the pages into a three-dimensional model. Once the paper is folded, the printed components are united as a whole, telling the visual story of the animal’s plight to survive in an increasingly polluted and hazardous ecosystem.

While the animal skeletons appear as x-ray images, the garbage they ingest is frequently highlighted in colour.

Too cute. Source DesignBoom.
Thanks to Beni from Outfacing for sharing 🙂

Maysun Photographer

This week I discovered Maysun and I have fallen in love with her work.
She is an Spanish-Palestinian photographer based in Bangkok, Thailand.

”I’m compromise with my job because I consider that it’s a way to be engaged and consistent with my convictions and my ethics. Photography is a way to be engaged with our world.”
Maysun Photographer, read more about her.